Hidden Croft

Beautiful site
Cab Franc, Chambourcin and petit Verdot were all really good.

NV Dutchman’s Creek Blend – Kelly got some kind of flower; rose? I got violet and the winemaker agreed! Haha. My turn to be on it. Very very nice wine

2015 Chambourcin – absolutely delicious. Kelly caught vanilla and he’s right. Heavy on the vanilla.
2015 cab franc – beautiful nose.
Kelly got dry straw and wheat on this one. Not spicy but in the nose, habanero pepper but taste green pepper on the tongue.

2016 petite Verdot – I’m getting a flower in the nose. Strong flower which happens to be violet. Again. Kelly got tart cranberries and tart green apples on this. I find it very very smooth. Very dry. I love it. This would go well with a lasagna or anything with a red sauce.

2019 cab sauv – earthy per Kelly. Sour mulch for me.
Kelly said blackberry and horse saddle leather. Leather purse leather completely different it’s deeper and Earthier and well oiled.
I don’t like this at all. It’s almost too earthy for me. Kelly also thinks it’s not too solid.

Royale – port style. I’m not crazy about it. It felt dull on my palate. Kelly wouldn’t buy this either. It seems thinner than a port needs to be. Almost like a watered down wine.

Kristen was great!

Dutchman’s creek-same vintage. Got a Smokey taste. Still very good

Chambourcin- so good. Vanilla in the nose and the palate. Love this, especially since I love vanilla

Cab franc – exactly the same nose and habanero

Petite Verdot- dry and still delicious

Cab sauv- oh no. No no no

I could go in but frankly, it’s the same stuff. Overall very, very good. Even though Kristen doesn’t work here anymore

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